Applied muntins
A wooden muntin which is placed on the outside of a window. A muntin is attached to the wing with special hooks. It is possible to dismantle them, for example when cleaning windows.
“Viennese” muntins
The glazing is divided with an aluminum frame-like spacer. Wooden bars are placed on both sides of the glazing. Viennese muntins gives the impression of separate glass units. We offer the following types of “viennese” muntins:
Internal muntins
The glazing is divided with an aluminum muntin of the width of 8, 18, 26 or 45 mm.
A muntin is installed during the junction of glazing and it has no access to the air, dust, or moisture. It’s usage is very convenient because it does not require cleaning, maintenance, etc. A variety of intra-glazing muntins can match almost any color of the window.
We offer the following types of intra-glazing muntins:
(except for those described below, there are also available painted color bars from RAL palette):
Construction muntins
This type of muntins demand installing a separate glass unit in the wing shaft. Due to the width of the structural muntins you must reckon with limited amount of light in the room.
We offer the following types of structural muntins: